do you ever just feel like you need a change? i think my unrest or unease goes back to when i was a kid and we moved around a lot. so now every 6 months or so i start to get a itch to change something in my house. i dont want to move, even though i do look at a lot! (cause i want to buy a house some day) so i am sitting in my living room thinking how i can change stuff around. i am working so i wont be able to do anything now. but maybe this week...then i can vaccum the couches and the area where they sit. the only bummer is our cable cord is short so i cant move the tv unless i put it in front of the window and behind the door. so i probably will just switch the couches. i will post before and after pictures once i actually change stuff around. maybe i will move the art work too! it drives david crazy but he always loves the end result!