
Showing posts from November, 2010


Being thankful is something that most of America focuses on this week with thanksgiving on thursday. I have so much to be thankful for and for the last few two months every day David and I have thanked God for our miracle of getting to adopt our son. I love being a parent and every day I try to teach our little man to say thank you and to use his manners. This may seem silly to some but it is very important to me to teach thankfulness. We have been using sign language along with trying to teach words and the sign for thank you is one of the first signs we taught him. I am amazed at the rate his words are growing and so thankful for the opportunity to be home with him.

hey did you know...

We woke up this morning just as Dada was getting back from working out with Pop we opened the door and waved to Pop and little man yelled DADA and then Pop beeped the horn. I am sure our neighbors were thrilled since it was 7:30am. Hahaha they should be up already, right? After Dada was ready little man and I were snuggling watching a show he says to me, "Hey did you know that he is our son?" I just smiled.

National Adoption Day

I was very happy on sunday when our pastor mentioned it was Orphan Sunday and spoke of the need for foster and adoptive homes in our county. Our journey has not been easy and I do not believe it is over. Right now we are focusing on our little man and we will see where we go in the future. I am bubbling over with love for our little man and just sit and watch him try new things and grow. I am not ready for him to be 2 and not be a baby. I realize he is already a big boy and not a baby. I am excited for our adoption day even though we dont have a date yet I know it is going to happen and I can't wait to adopt our sweet little man. I am so excited to see him grow up!

November 1st

Ok seriously where did 2010 go? I can not believe it is November 1st. I dont know if it is since we have become parents that time seems to fly by but really our little one is going to be 21 months tomorrow. Which really means he will be 2 in 3 months...I think I just stopped breathing! As I am writing this I am just trying to remind myself that I need to remember all of the moments. We just celebrated our 2nd halloween and he was so cute and so much fun. I dont want to forget anything. I was looking at a picture from when he was a few days old and it doesnt feel like that long ago. I bought a book to write his story in and I haven't started writing...I need to get on the ball! Anyway I had a friend comment that she reads this and I just wanted to say thanks for the encouragement. I try to be disciplined about blogging but sometimes days just get away from me. I am so thankful for my friends! Now I am going to dowload all the halloween pictures to snapfish and order them for free wh...