HAHAHA! The Joke is on ME!

So as you can see Christmas was yesterday and I shared two elf stories! We did a lot of fun and helpful things this month but realized really quickly the elf leaving notes or little presents was a BAD idea. It quickly became a competition on who could find the elf first. So that meant my children who usually sleep until 7:30 or 8 were up before the sun. There was fighting and crying and whining over the elf. My answer was the elf had to go. I texted our next door neighbor and she went on a covert mission for me. (hide elfie while we were visiting Santa) and Elfie left a note that he had to go back to the north pole because everyone was getting up too early. Elfie came back for Dec 23, painted everyone's noses red and left a note in dry erase marker on the bathroom mirror, "Merry Christmas" The best activity we did this December was to go to a local nursing home and sing christmas carols. The residents loved it and our group loved it too. The joy in several of the l...