Day 1 - Elfie Arrived Today

So my kids were all late for school because I lost track of time doing our ELF scavenger hunt again and again. My kids reset up the scavenger hunt clues and did it 3 more times.

My oldest was expecting an ADVENT lego starwars calendar and I think he was a little disappointed that Elfie didn't bring one. I just couldn't do it again this year, 4 kids - 4 lego advent calendars that end up dumped into the giant boxes of legos we have in the playroom.

I hope that the let down of not getting his lego advent calendar is softened by the cool experiences we have in the next 25 days. (He really loves loves LEGOS and Starwars - but he already as a ticket to go see the new movie Shhh!!)

Elfie landed safely in the Christmas tree and he had a note (see yeasterday's post) explaining the plan for the next 25 days and a little scrap paper clue. The clues led all 4 children around the house to find the treat Elfie brought them. The treat was holiday tic tacs which may seem odd but it is a big deal in our house if you have tic tacs. You can always have one no matter what - I don't say no to tic tacs. So its a way for everyone to hear YES! and I encourage everyone to share with them.

And then we went over the MISSION - Write a letter or note of encouragement to a missionary.

We explained Missionary's are people who are sharing God's love in other countries and they might not be able to see their extended family at Christmas. We looked at a globe and talked about travelling and being able to help others.

Then we realized it was way past time for Seth to get to school and EVERYONE was late today!! 
(its odd but my kids are in 3 different schools based on their grade - so three different start times)

I will keep posting and I hope everyone enjoys our new elf journey. 
How are you sharing God's love this Christmas Season???


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