im gonna be in a play

so on a whim my friend joy and i went to an audition about 45 minutes away....for "The Diviners" it was a lot of fun!! A little crazy and really scary. ( i was the first one up on stage to read) But it was such a great night and boy do we have some good storys about our time. And at 11pm we could call a hotline to get the cast list and for some crazy reason I am now cast in a play 45 minutes away that i dont know anything about but I am soooo excited. I havent acted since highschool unless you count church plays! If anyone is interested in coming to see me it is Oct 13 & 14 and Oct 20, 21 & 22. Check out Cumberland Players for more info.


OutOfTheSilent said…
that is really fun and cool... I have always thought about it, but wow to go out and do it is great... congradulations...
Nice you will be in a play. Congratulations and good luck on that.

Hope you're having a nice weekend.

Hugs. :)
thebensonator said…
so you're awesome! I love spur of the moment stuff like that and look how amazingly it worked out! I'm so excited for you!!

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