and the lights went out

so last night we got home from hanging out with joy and tommy and jimmy and david decided to turn on the air conditioner in the living room while he played guitar and i read. it was probably around 10:30pm and after about 10 minutes the air conditioner made a droaning and slowing sounds and then BAM the lights went out and the air went off. the breaker had tripped and when david went to fix the breaker by clicking it back over to was completely my reading came to an end and we decided to try to go to sleep with out air or a fan because all the plugs in the house are on one breaker except the fridge. falling alseep in the 98% humidity of our house wasnt working so we ended up unplugging the fridge and running an extension cord for the about ghetto. so david and his dad are fixing the breaker today. FUN!


OutOfTheSilent said…
days like that suck... of course I havn't written yet on my blog that when we went to Indiana I turned the air off for a week (south Carolina). my parents came into the house 3 days latter it was 107 inside... that can't be good can it??

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