so i had a great day today
actually art & soul had a great day so indirectly that means i had a great day. we started our day with a birthday party and then were steady for most of the day. so that is great. today i noticed shirt slogans, people wear funny things. the first was a mom of a 7 year old at the birthday party, her shirt said "who do ya luv" and then on the back it said "billabong". there were a few others through out the day that were fairly random. then i looked at myself in the mirror and my shirt says "international missions moped squad" i wonder what people think of my shirt. i cant wait to wear it in england and then for sure i will be looked at with questioning glances...people will wonder where i got such a cool shirt. (or maybe they will wonder why i am wearing 3 mopeds on my chest) so it is 9:38pm and i am super sleepy waiting for 10pm to roll around so we can close up shop and head home to catch some zzzzz's.
good night.
good night.