work work work

maybe it is just the time of year but i feel like today i have been going going going. i have crossed almost everything off of my to do list. i still need to write thank you letters and create a couple of orders for art & soul and a few more things that will be put off until tomorrow. i got 2 bottles of bath wash from my mom from bath & body works. yum!! now all i want to do is go home and take a shower so i can smell like coconut lime verbeena (what is a verbeena) or warm vanilla suger. thanks mom. ok gotta pay bills and glue a picture frame then i can check 2 more things off of my to do list. man i love to make lists.


thebensonator said…
haha i'm obsessed with lists :)
Stephanie said…
I need to make more of them! That's my problem...I can never get around to actually making a physical list & then if I try to just make one in my head, I forget stuff!

Oh yeah, what did you name your fish?
Very sweet of your mom.

Had heard sometime that work of "verbena" but did not know what it meant.

Enjoy your weekend. I love weekends. Yay!!! :)

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