busy busy

so todaymy husband and father in law worked hard down at art & soul while i went shopping with brittany. (we are going to ca for a week - me & brittany - so we got a few lasst minute things taken care of) so what didi the boys do?? well it is pretty amazing what they can get accomplished in one day. they built a drawer for all 60 bottles of paint and installed it. they moved the bar seating down from a high bar to a table level bar. they moved 2 shelves and set up plates in the window. i was amazed!!! i am so excited for this coming summer season. i ask my friends and family to pray for david and i as we make decisions for both of our businesses and as the summer gets closer that we would be in God's will. thanks!! so i gotta go pack for ca i already got my boarding pass and i am in boarding group A for south west....so fun!


Stephanie said…
See you at church tomorrow! :)
thebensonator said…
CA hey? ;)

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