crazy weather

so the past week has been so nice and sunny and warm...well that all changed today! it is so cold and windy and stormy. well i just found out in the bay between cape may and delaware there were water spouts and 90 mph gail force winds- my father in law works on the ferry and he actually had to pilot a ferry through all of that! and david is driving up to pick up his cousin tommy in greenport and as he was driving through NY he was stuck in a blizzard and he sat on the verazano narrows bridge as it rocked from the winds!! he sent me a picture message of the snow on the front of the suburban he is driving! so where did spring go?? i hope it doesnt stay gone for too long. i am sooo cold!


Stephanie said…
I guess if I get cold here, I can just think of you there & toughen up! It's been cold & rainy here, but I'm sure it's nowhere near as cold as it is in Cape May!
I understand you related to the crazy weather. Here it's Spring and is still cold and very rainy, lol.

Thank you very much for your nice birthday congratulation to me in my blog.

Have a great week you and your husband. Blessings. :)

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