a trip to target! $150 and almost everything off of my list. what remains on the list should be available locally at kmart or reynolds or maybe even big lots. rain boots (golashes) advil face paint crayons watch razors small umbrella space bags (hopefully big dave has these) the other things i need are books. and i am going to get them at the library. i had a long talk with my friend amanduh and she told me the good ones to try to find.
i love my husband! we already celebrated our anniversary on tuesday we went to atlantic city and stayed in a hotel. we even had a nice dinner and i got some new clothes! thanks love!! happy 5th anniversary!!
so i like to scrapbook...sometimes i feel like it is outdated though. so i am a little bit behind in my scrapbooking...it depends on how you judge time. i could be a lot behind...so last night david was working and i didnt feel like working so i scrapbooked. i finished 2002 and now i am working on 2003...well i havent started 2003 but that will be the next step. one wierd thing is that 2002 is very slim - i must not have had a good camera or maybe i lost film and didnt get it developed, because it is much skinnier then all of the other years of our married life. myabe the 2nd year of marriage is boring i dont know. so i decided 2002 and 2003 can go in 1 album...hopefully that doesnt make the album too thick. (yes i am worrying about the thickness of a scrapbook - how pathetic)after 2003 i have to start ordering prints because we got the canon digital rebel and just look at our pictures on the computer now (this takes me back to the outdated scrapbooking) i can now order books from appl...
Yes, I am tanned, but you know me, I can never relax for very long.
Hope to see you soon! The kids keep bugging me to go to the store.