a first for me...

so i am baby sitting olivia today she is the cutest little girl. she is just over 9 months old and when she got dropped off she was not happy...well i found out pretty quickly it was because she was stinky (know what i mean some people would call it a blow out) we had to wash her clothes. so anyway back to my original story olivia is one of those babies who does not like to fall asleep because she thinks she is going to miss something. she nods off and then pops back up almost instantly. well i had her on my lap and was rocking her and david sat down next to us to play the guitar and she kept doing the nod off and pop back awake. so this is the first for me....david laid down to rest and olivia was in my arms and i gently sang her to sleep..and at the same time i sang david to sleep. usually david plays the guitar and sings me to sleep. (my singing isnt good but hey it worked!!)


OutOfTheSilent said…
that is sweet....

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