almost christmas!

hooray! i am so excited for christmas! as the year comes to an end i can look back and remember so many great times. this year my brother and ashley came to visit, my mom came for 3 weeks which was such a great help during the busy summer, and my dad and lori came to visit too. it was so nice to show my family where i live and my store and for them to meet my friends. as we look toward next year we have some exciting news...we are going to be foster parents. we turned in all of our paper work and now we have to wait for the all clear. then we are scheduled to take classes in february. please pray for us and this new exciting adventure God has planned for us. merry christmas and happy new year.


thebensonator said…
Wow that is so amazing! I'm excited for you guys and for what God has in store for you on this new adventure. I'll be praying :)

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