Happy St. Patrick's Day

Hope you are wearing green today or else you will probably get pinched today. When i was little my mom always made green eggs and ham for st. patty's day and cornbeef and potatoes. i never really like either but my mom tried so hard. i think eventually we all were too picky for the green eggs and ham, but my brother still likes cornbeef and potatoes. i think it is too fatty. anyway this just reminds me that when i have kids i want to have fun traditions for them on holidays because even though i dont like eggs or ham now, i felt so special that my mom did this for me. if anyone has any traditions they want to share let me know. thanks.


Stephanie said…
I want to make a cake or cupcake for Aaron for every birthday he has and let him eat it when he wakes up. =) Also, for Nick's birthday this year I bought a card and put a pen in Aaron's hand & then held the card close to the pen. I'm going to have Aaron use this card for his daddy every year now (until he's old enough to buy his own) so Nick can see how his writing has changed every year. =)
OutOfTheSilent said…
hey saw your "old" post on "old" pictures... I have some around here somewhere...

oh here they are on FACEBOOK:


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