too long

so now that i am addicted to facebook i dont blog as much. i guess i just figured no one is reading so why write. but i realized i like to write even if it is just little notes here and there. i am enjoying being a foster mom - - "fissa" is what we have bobby call me and he used to just not call me anything but he recently started calling me "mama" he knows i am not his mama as he points at her picture on our fridge and says mama and dada. so i am not sure why he calls me mama maybe because fissa is too hard for him to say? I always say not mama - fissa and he giggles. I love this little boy so much!! he started weekend visits with his family 2 weeks ago and the first week was really hard but last weekend when he came home he was pretty good, other then crying for mama and dada and now poppop at bed time. his family is probably going to reunify in june once school gets out. we are going to miss him so much but we are happy for his family. being a foster parent is hard but worth every minute!!


Anonymous said…
I still check your blog. :)
Love ya!
Cassy said…
i love you x
melissamae said…
thanks friends!!

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