fall fun

We got to go to our zoo today for a little costume parade and fun. It was a big chaotic but still fun, seriously what did i expect a 1 year old and a 2 year old in a wagon for 2 hours....they were over the wagon before the parade even started. I think they both had fun and we had fun too. My mom is here and she really liked seeing all of the kids in their costumes. We have some big plans for while she is here including the pumpkin patch which has a hay ride, going to see the amish, swim school, trick or treating and i'm sure we will find more exciting stuff to do. I am sure little man is going to have a great time with Nana :) When he woke up today she was still in bed and he didn't know she was here. I asked him if he knew who came on an airplane and she said Boo I'm in here. He started giggling it was so cute. The fact that he sees my family mostly through skype it was super cute to see him so excited to see her!


Stephanie said…
Just so you know...your site is one I check often. Just thought I'd let you know, in case you thought nobody reads it or something... ;) Miss you.

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