
With the Christmas season here it makes me think about traditions. What traditions do I want to keep, add or change for my family as our little one grows up. In reading a fictional book about Christmas I learned about putting out reindeer food to show them where to land. By adding some glitter to oatmeal it sparkles and shows the reindeer your house. I thought this was super cute and would like to make it a tradition. Growing up both David's family and my family opened one present on Christmas Eve and it is jammies. I like this tradition and hope to continue this with my family. Our little one really loves trains and we have been to two homes this year that have a train around their tree. I think maybe next year we will get a train to go around our tree, I have been looking. The most important tradition I would like to have is reading the Christmas Story of Jesus Birth, our little one is still small but I want to read it every year and in my house as a child that is when Baby Jesus came out to be in the manger. My mom would keep him hidden until Christmas eve and when we read the story he would be place in the manger. We dont have a "child" safe manger scene but I will set ours up on Christmas eve and let little man put Baby Jesus in the manger. I am so blessed by my family and being a mommy. What traditions do you have? Does anyone have a way to serve at Christmas? We buy presents for an outreach through our church that is an amazing ministry but would like to do more. 11 Days til Christmas!


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