Whats Next...

I don't think I have ever had a new years resolution but I feel like this year there are going to be some exciting things that I want to accomplish or help someone else accomplish. The big one is potty training, our little man is going to be 2 next week and I have been researching potty training and talking to lots of moms. I thought 2 was young to be potty trained but it seems like a possibility so I am going to try to start this in the near future. Before we start potty training I think I have to move our little man to his toddler bed. I have lots of reasons that I don't want to move him yet all selfish reasons, it is going to be a lot harder to get him to stay in his bed for naps and bed time and parenting is going to get more difficult until he learns to stay in his bed. He is small and I don't want him to get hurt and I am sure he will be getting up earlier...I like to sleep! For me I can't wait until it gets a little nicer out so I can start getting into shape. I got a jogger stroller for Christmas and some awesome reebox easytones. I do love looking out at the snow but I am excited for the new way to exercise!! The other thing I am going to try to change in our lives is to cook with more fresh foods, I have a bunch of new recipes and I am happy with my progress as a cook but I want to cook healthier. I have the Jamie Oliver Cookbook and have tried some recipes. Alright time to play some wii sports resorts the airplane game...its my little mans favorite.


Stephanie said…
Regarding potty training...don't get frustrated. I tried starting Aaron around 18 months. He actually went a few times & then decided he didn't want to go anymore. I tried everything from bribing to buying special dinosaur underwear. Nothing worked. Pretty much the first 4-6 months of him being 2, I was trying. It got frustrating! Then I sort of gave up. I was told it would just click for him one day & that you never see a Kindergartner wearing diapers on their first day of school. Then one day he asked to wear his underwear. He basically did it on his own. From that day on, he's been potty trained. Both pee & poo. He even stays dry through the night. But again, it was on his terms, his idea & then it just clicked. So what I'm saying is, don't get frustrated or try too hard. When Seth's ready, he'll do it. Otherwise it will just be frustrating to everyone involved!

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