Disney World
I am blessed beyond understanding! My mom's birthday wish allowed for me to have a fun and exciting time too. When my mom asked if we would like to meet them in Disneyworld for her birthday I was excited but not sure if it would all work out. Unfortunately David was not able to take the time off work to join us, but little man and I flew down to Orlando to celebrate my mom's birthday with her and Tony. We had a wonderful time and it is so fun to see Disney through the eyes of a 2 year old. He is talking more and more and everything was a train - the monorail, tram, parade and most of the rides. He loves trains and we rode the train in Magic Kingdom several times and the small $2 per ride train at down town disney. He rode that one all by himself. It was funny to hear all of the adults around the $2 train comment on how cute the little boy was going all by himself. I spoke up once and told the sweet ladies he was mine and he didn't want mommy to ride with him. They were just amazed that he wasnt afraid and how small he was. The joy on his face to be a big boy and ride all alone on the train made me feel a little better about not being allowed to ride with him. He had such a great trip and I did too. I am thankful to my parents for taking us along on their vacation and I tried not to spend too much time thinking about how thankful I am to be little man's forever mommy. I only cried once while watching him sleep waiting for the parade. I am in awe of the love God has poured out on me and my entire family by allowing us to be little man's forever family. 
