i love david bruce

so as we get ready for our flight and our stay in sunny (i mean rainy) southern california i havent yet started packing but i have thought about it. but sadly what keeps coming into my mind is that i am going to be on the west coast from March 15 - April 1st and David is going to be on the east coast. now this isnt that long and i know that i will survive but i have to start preparing myself for this time. hopefully it will go by fast. the other thing that i am trying not to be sad about (mostly becuase i assured david i would be ok) is that my 25th birthday i will be with out him. now i know i am not supposed to worry so i am saying this right now to get it out of my head. i am sure that i can now move on and begin packing and preparing for our flight. i dont even have a book to read yet. i wish we owned a portable dvd player...we do have lap tops but the battery power never seems to last the full length of a movie. i will charge mine up tonight in hopes of watching a great movie on the way...now i have to pick a movie. well thats one more thing to do..i better get started.


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