Manila 04

So yesterday I got to share with my caravan class about missions and about my trip to the philippines. they are the searcher class which means they are 1st and 2nd grade. this was cool because i allowed them to ask questions and some of thier questions were actually really good.
Where do the people shop for food?
They have stores like we have but they are a lot smaller and they have open outside markets where most people shop. They also have some thing like a convenience store that is usally built right into their homes or below their homes. They even had these stores in Arenda "the dump". these stores sometimes even have diesel fuel in empty liter bottles so that people can fill up right there. (i got to see this a few times it was wierd)
Do they have bicycles?
Yes they do and usually they turn them into trikes..with a little cart for their brothers and sisters and bottles of water or food or piggies...these are a few of the things i saw in the carts. They also have regular bikes but i dont think i ever saw a bike with only one person on it. Usually the oldest brother or sister was peddling with 2 siblings in between them and the handlebars and someone on the handlebars...yep 4 per bike.
What is that smoke in the air? (i was showing them pictures of the city)
That is smog. Which is air pollution...(there is no smog in cape may)
How do they breath with smoke in the air?
They are used to it, but it is reallyt bad for them. The smog is from cars, and fires, and burning trash and lots of other things.
I will post more questions later. hope you enjoyed the inquirings of 6 and 7 year olds...If you have any questions please feel free to ask.


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