late night mcdonalds run

so after a long day of work and then teaching caravan (we brushed our teeth, and had a bedtime story) then david and i hit the gym. so where does the mcdonalds come in? well we came over to david's dads house otherwise known as big dave and i was peeking around for some snacks and there werent any. so big dave said he was thinking about having an ice cream cone. so i took his truck and his dog jesse and we got 2 ice cream cones and 1 hot fudge sundae and 1 small fry. well jesse and i ate the fries one for him one for me the drive back to the house. he was really thirsty when we got home. guess i should have done more time on the treadmill.


thebensonator said…
hehehe. That is great. I love Jesse!
OutOfTheSilent said…
mcd's that is tomarrows breakfast with the boys... looking forward to it...
Stephanie said…
I've been eating McD's a lot lately...I want to win something! That Monopoly game they do always gets me to come in & I never win! :(

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