phew! i think i am ready.

so now i am sitting here breathing easy. i am all ready to go. i have a couple of phone calls to make and then off to sleep. tonight i had a ladies craft night at my church and i really enjoyed it even though i still had a list of things to do. (the list wasnt too big) i am excited to have more ladies craft nights (where i get to scrapbook) and i brought my albums for people to see and that is always fun. i learned how to do some stamping techniques and how to use those cool new brad things. and i got to look at other people's albums which is always inspiring! so now i am going to grab my suitcase to weigh it because there is a 50 pound limit and to get my fish because big dave is going to watch them. be sure to check out we are going to try to get on the internet and update while we are away.


Sounds very nice the ladies craft night. Hope you the best in that mission to Romania. God bless. :)
OutOfTheSilent said…
yep your ready you are there...

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