
Showing posts from May, 2006

watch out world

it was supposed to be a surprise but since i am a nosy wife and i cant just let david work on anything with out knowing what it is...he traded lettering someones trailer for a scooter. i will be the proud owner of a Rocketta Scooter (red or blue) in a few weeks. I am so excited!! thanks love!

store windows - 2 birds - 0

so yesterday a second bird dies by flying into the door of Art & Soul and trying to exit through the window. i wish they would stay out of my store. it happened for the first time last week....we have always had inquisitive brown birds but usally they hop in and hop out....some of the dumber ones have not made it out on thier own. it freaks me out and makes me sad when they hit the windows. yesterday a police officer happened to be walking by and he helped me get the bird out of my store.

Happy Anniversary Love!

HOLY GUACAMOLE - today is our 6th wedding anniversary...where did all that time go? I am so thankful for my husband and our relationship. we celebrated last night by going to a flogging molly concert that was definately a new experience for me. david and i went to many flogging molly "shows" (back when they played in small venues) before we were even dating and while we were dating. i really enjoy their music and especially the penny whistle/fiddle player she is amazing. so back in the day we actually got to be right next to the stage and listen to the music and enjoy the crazy antics of this irish punk rock band (i think). well last night opened my eyes to how crazy flogging molly fans are...i was warned before we went, but i never expected what the show was like. As soon as the band came on we were rushed by dozens of people trying to push thier way to what would become one of 2 mosh pits. Then during the show we were pushed and stepped on and we witnessed some crazy stuff....

this photo is so cool

beach lightning

my caravan kids

so tonight is caravan i took this picture last week we made hats out of news paper. other then caravan lets see...we are eating healthier and i am a POINTS nazi if you ask david...i have worked out our points for each day for all of our meals and we have both stopped snacking. any good easy low point meals that you might know of i am welcome to recipes. we dont eat very many different things, mostly chicken and turkey. we have had burritos (my staple), meatloaf (ate over at davids moms) and tonight we are eating chicken and veggies.(which i just realized i forgot to marinate...oh well. so thanks in advance for any recipes. i will try to keep you updated on how we do. oh and i have been drinking water...which is something i used to LOATHE!! its not so bad after all.


we had a great weekend...kicking it off with ladies night then the birthday party on saturday and we went out to dinner after we closed my store. then sunday we had church and bible study and went to see the divinci code....then brad, kate & karisa came over to hang out until late! it was nice to get to see them. now i am off from art & soul today and i am going to go to the library and maybe even go get my bike and go for a ride. i got some cool lights for my air valves from david that blink red so i want to try them out.

Ladies Night

So tonight is Ladies Night at Art & Soul...if you are in Cape May hope you can make it. I have 12 reservations and I made brownies, Lemon poppy seed muffins, choc chip cookies and Mary's Sweet Treats is providing a Carrot cake...yum! We are going to have drawings for some prizes including a orange vanilla jar candle that i really want for myself...i guess i will have to buy one. We are painting plates and i am teaching some cool techniques. I will post some pictures later. Oh and tomorrow I have a birthday party that the mom asked to bring a pinata!! i told her i didnt think it was a good idea. ps david will finally be home tonight :)

how old?

is 14 too young to be left home alone for the weekend? this was the question this morning on a radio station i was listening to. so what do you think??

deal or no deal

i put a vote on deal or no deal to try to win 20,000 by selecting the case # and i picked the right case but i didnt win. maybe next time....i am still excited that i picked the right case. instead of texting my vote i went to the website and voted there...guess i should have voted more then once.

its official

I'm SICK! So thanks to my loving husband who had a cold before he left...I now have the same cold. It started with a sore throat then aches and chills. I am looking forward to the aches and chills being gone...oh and i am thankful for my stash of puffs ultra, because (yes this is me whining) my nose wont stop running. i woke up at 3am then 4am then 5am until 8 when i really had to get up because my faucet of a nose decided to run all night and i thought it was bleeding...not fun! i even took nasty nasty nyquil and it helped a little but only from midnight to 3am. that seems like too short of a time. i dont like to take medication mostly cause im no good at swallowing pills, but nyquil we have is in liquid tonight i will take it again and hope for the best.

on the road

so david and big dave ( his dad) are going on a road trip/motorcycle week. they are trailering their bikes down south the myrtle beach for BIKE WEEK but first they are stopping in New Bern to see Davids uncle eddie. Uncle Eddie has an art gallery showing right now and he is going to give david some tips on painting. So where does that leave me?? Well I am in charge of Jesse - big dave's dog who loves me so much! And I am having girl fest 06 - two friends are staying over and we have big plans to hit the gym...take some aerobics loads of chick flicks...oh and do homework, since they are both in school. I am excited to get to hang out with them, especially Karisa, because she is moving away in the summer and I am gonna miss her so much. Even though I am going to miss my husband I am thankful for good friends to keep me from going insane. I hope the boys have fun!!

climbing under the house

believe it or not it wasnt as scary as i thought it would be. i did see some BIG spider webs but no spiders and it wasnt until later when i told cousin jimmy about my expedition that he told me he always thinks he is going to see a snake....hmmm i am glad i didnt see or even think about seeing a snake. so i went under the house to turn on the outside water for big dave. i actually had was my first under house adventure.