on the road

so david and big dave ( his dad) are going on a road trip/motorcycle week. they are trailering their bikes down south the myrtle beach for BIKE WEEK but first they are stopping in New Bern to see Davids uncle eddie. Uncle Eddie has an art gallery showing right now and he is going to give david some tips on painting. So where does that leave me?? Well I am in charge of Jesse - big dave's dog who loves me so much! And I am having girl fest 06 - two friends are staying over and we have big plans to hit the gym...take some aerobics classes...watch loads of chick flicks...oh and do homework, since they are both in school. I am excited to get to hang out with them, especially Karisa, because she is moving away in the summer and I am gonna miss her so much. Even though I am going to miss my husband I am thankful for good friends to keep me from going insane. I hope the boys have fun!!


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