christian "chick" lit

so my friend cassy emailed me this link to radiant magazine article about two girls who are writing "good girl" chick lit and i love chick lit. so i went online to amazon and bought both books used for a whopping grand total of $6 (side note : how does anyone make money selling books? i mean i got one for $.01 plus $3 shipping) anyway...i started one yesterday and it is good so far..the authors have a long way to go to keep up with Sophia Kinsella and Jane Green but it is cute so far. I couldnt find the link she sent me but the first book is called Emily Ever After and the authors are Anne Dayton & May Vanderbilt


OutOfTheSilent said…
chick lit... hmm going to have to look that one up...
Great price for those two books. Way to go. :)

Hope you're enjoying your weekend. :)
melissamae said…
gabriela..idont know your new web address. -melissa
Hello Melissa Mae. My new url address is

Bye for now and blessings,

Gabriela. :)

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