sorry tim

nothing to tell....9 months happens to be how long school is. haha! maybe someday 9 months will be a significant number for david and i but not quite yet. i do have some fun news...we survived tent camping a crazy thunderstorm and over 75 mosquito bites (still surviving these) and had a GREAT time doing it. we bought a tent at target and went camping for 3 delaware. Other then the mosquito bites the trip was so fun! david and his cousin billy went exploring and climbing and bike riding and saw deer about 20 feet away. and megan and i read books relaxed and enjoyed girl talk!! we stayed in a state park so there wasnt much to do but relax and it was just what i needed. i will post some pictures later.


OutOfTheSilent said…
Man that is so much fun... We took the boys camping too... I will get the pictures up and talk write about too... Isn't married life a blast!

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