slacking a bit but here are some fun pics

april photos

enjoy! this was an all church football game day. 2 games - guys played then girls. and the girls game was a lot more competitive. we had 5 people taken to Urgent Care the worst injury was our Childrens pastor he was on crutches for 6 weeks because of a broken leg. and one of the girls broke her wrist and was in a cast for 6 weeks. crazy! i think we are going to play again in the fall!


OutOfTheSilent said…
not sure about the broken bones business... that sounds like a little too much for me!

That is real cool with the little friend. I was wondering how that came to be, so I am glad I got to hear about it (vacation of a another family). It is kind of like a "long" babysitting this time around. I am glad you guys are treating him to an excellent week or two.

Praying for you guys...

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