Manila 03

i kept a journal of sorts while in Manila because i didnt want to forget today is dedicated to public transportation. The most interesting thing to me about the transportation system in Manila was the lack of traffic lights and stop signs and the complete ignoring of road lines. The intersections are constantly sights of gridlock and if you look at the corner there is usually a cop standing there reading the paper or enjoying a refreshing cola out of a plastic bag. (they give you your soda in a plastic bag with a straw so they can get the $$ back for the bottle or can) So the gridlock...the mentality is BIGGER CAR goes first..but usually some small ones fit in. Back to public transportation...supposedly the US left a ton of jeeps after WWII and the took these and turned them into bus type vehicles...they made the backs longer and added 2 bench seats...but the best part is they run from one point to another but the "JEEPNIES" are owned by the each driver can decorate the outside how ever they want...let me tell you i saw some of the ugliest air brushing and the tackiest designs ever. The best one was a really bad airbrush of the Lord of the Rings characters...Schmegal was still scary. The other form of public transportation is trikes...these are small motorcylces i think 180cc's with side car tupe contraptions attached to them. The new big thing there is to add sport pipes to their Trikes...and all the vehicles are diesel...just imagine the smog. I got to ride on a trike and so did David. (at different times) My experience was good, except i kept hitting my head while i was riding side saddle behind the driver. David rode on a trike with his dad in the side car, him on the seat the driver on the gas tank and a filipino guy named Chris on the back behind david...imagine it if you can. i didnt get to see them but i bet they looked funny. The most people we counted on a trike was 12, but the filipino people are much smaller then us americans. And we saw one jeepnie with people on the top and a bass drum. Til' later.


Stephanie said…
That's crazy about the 12 people on a trike! They must have been really small!! The soda thing is really odd to me...they did that in Nicaragua; I didn't want a soda cause I thought I'd spill it all over myself, even though they tie it up pretty good. The smell must've been yucky with all of the diesel...sort of makes me think of work when they run the forklift in the warehouse...yuck!
Well, I'm enjoying reading your posts...thanks for sharing! :)
OutOfTheSilent said…
hmmm, sometimes I think I see that on the way to work.... :)

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