
so i am the teacher of the 1st & 2nd grade caravan class at my church. the kids are all really cute but some are very kids tend to be when they have sat in a classroom all day and all they want to do is have fun not do paper work or color pages. so i try to make every night fun for them and my class is really big - 19 kids on a low night 25 on a high night. tonight is our scarfing ceremony and 1st night of badges. my class has earned their personal care badges and sports and fitness badges. they also learned their "i believes" and will get a pin for that. i get to go in front of the church tonight and give out their badges and scarves and talk all about what we have done. (this is the only part i dont like about caravan) i am sure it will go ok i am going to work on my "speech".


OutOfTheSilent said…
oh caravan... just think of the fact that I still have my sash and scarf...
Hi Melissa Mae. Great mission the one to Romania. Hey, by the way, when is that Church opening? If possible, please let me know what all the job consisted in. Did you all also build some part of the roof or walls? Sounds interesting.

Hey, sounds great to be the teacher of that Caravan group at Church. It's always very enriching to participate in Church activities.

Okies, bye for now. Have a nice rest of the week. God bless you and David. :)
Forgot to say that I saw all the pics you posted and personally I look up to you all for your hard work there. Bye for now.
Stephanie said…
I wish our church did Caravan...we need a lot more volunteers for that. Tonight we did our 5th lesson of the 40 Days of Community. It is pretty cool, cause the kids get to watch a video, but there were only 3 kids tonight, Nick & Johnny Keeton & Joshua Walker. Marlis & I still had our hands full though! :)

Miss you lots!
thebensonator said…
good luck! That's way fun though, even if stressful :/ I definitely never did Caravans :( Emily did though!

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