sunshine and wind

when you are sitting inside and the sun is coming in through the windows it gives the appearance that it is nice and warm and sunny outside. then you hear the whirling of the wind or maybe it is whipping wind. and the realization that NO WAY is it nice and warm beyond the glass of the windows. that i guess is how you know winter is coming quickly. we also had a crazy storm last night with wind and rain, it was funny to see everyone running for thier cars after church. someone told david there would be good waves today but when we drove over to check them out it was very choppy. not to mention it would be so cold brrrr! so our surfboards are waiting for summer again inside our living room as decoration. who needs a christmas tree when you have two 9 foot surfboards?? maybe i will string some lights around them after turkey day.


Stephanie said…
You're so cute! I can picture your surfboards in your living room w/lights on them! Very cute! :)
thebensonator said…
haha. Why wait til after turkey day??

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