
Our little man and I tagged along over the weekend camping in Mary & Jim's camper. He had so much fun camping and I enjoyed watching him explore. He is growing up so fast! He is 17 months old and he loved camping. We played at the park, went to the beach, played in the pool and the water fun zone, went for walks and bike rides. He is not a fan of the bike helmet but after his first bike ride he didn't fuss anymore. I am amazed at how quickly he learns things. He is starting to communicate more and doing some signs. He just started shaking his head NO and we ask him to say no thank you and he does the sign for no. I cant wait for our next camping trip! We had so much fun! The best part was he loved the fireworks, when the first one went off he put his hands up like what? Then started to clap! He is so stinkin cute!!


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