
So I have been thinking a lot about my memories from childhood. I am not sure why, but it has been on my mind a lot how I made the friends that I still have friendships with today. I moved around a lot before highschool and I actually don't have any childhood friends that I am still in contact with, there are two girls from when I was a child that I have reconnected with via myspace and the internet but it isn't like we are real friends. The friends I am still in contact with 1 was made in 8th grade and the others in 9th grade. I can remember moving to Long Beach and my new school, the worst part about this move was the school required uniforms and when I went to get registered I was not in a uniform and I had to start school that day. Talk about making a kid feel out of place. I have a hard time remembering much about school when I first moved to Long Beach but I can remember how I followed the same group of kids home everyday and we walked the exact same way toward 2nd street and then they turned down 1 street before mine. I remember listening to their conversations and trying to figure out if any of them were related. It ended up that 2 were stepsisters and everyone else was just friends. I am not sure how it happened but I ended up walking with them and finally having friends. Only one of thes girls I am still in regular contact is so crazy that I don't remember how I went from walking alone to walking with other kids. I have been thinking a lot about how people treat other people and why the world seems so dark. When I was the new girl at middle school why didnt any of the kids in my classes talk to me or reach out to me? I know one of the classes there was a language barrier since I was placed in english as a second language by mistake. But what about all of the other teens? By this time in life what our parents have been teaching and modelling comes through. There are people like the group of 5 girls who were nice to me that are the exception but the groups and clicks start young. And if no one looks beyond their group as we grow up I think we stick to ourselves and we miss opportunities to make friends and to help people. I feel that my experience as a teen has helped me to become the person that I am today but i know that I have missed opportunities to help people or to just be a friend because of life and being busy. I hope that God will continue to place people in my path who just need a little love and that they will allow me to show them God's love.


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