i loved the UK

ok so i have always thought i would love to travel to europe and other places far from sunny ca...and yes i did move to a far away place in the US ...cape may, NJ. but when i got off the plane in england i couldnt believe i had traveled in a plane for 6 hours and i was in another country...not mexico (which is just a short drive from my home town) so anyway i loved it..the quaint cozy villages, the rolling hills, the stone walls and the sheep and the little brooks and streams. i love the feeling of being in a new place wheter it is in the us or not...from driving cross country i have a love for adventure and travel...but i really cant believe how much i want to go back to England and just immerse myself in the culture and really try to figure out how it all works. the people seem so different from americans but still very similar...and the accents. i love the scottish accent most of all. well anyway...i hope to go back someday and travel more and work less. on the other hand i am glad to be back and i have a friend visiting from CA and as soon as she leaves (AMANDUH..is the friend) my sister comes so needless to say with running a store and being a tour guide i have and will be busy. big sale at art & soul tonight and tomorrow buy 1 get the second item 1/2 off...so hopefully we will get very busy...who knows if not i dont care but i will be sad to sit here with no customers when we could be in NY or Atlantic City having fun with Amanduh... well enough rambling....back to work. love, melissa


Anonymous said…
I can't wait to be there with you!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't have to share you with anyone! I am a stingy sister...:)
Love, Anna

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