Watch Out England! Here we come....

So we are getting ready to leave for Manchester England. We are all packed and ready to go and now it is time to write a qucik note...hope all is well while we are away. Keep checking our iblog at we will be posting as much as possible. I am so excited about our trip...i havent slept in days so the late night flight should be great to finally catch some zzzz's or maybe i will read one of the 5 books that i bought...3 are for me and 2 are for david but i can read the ones i got for him too. I actually bough 4 books for me but i already finished one...Shopaholic Takes is very good and the best part is it is a paper back so it cost less then a hard cover. i just recently figured that whole system much cheaper it is if you just wait for the paperback edition. (i understand sometimes you cant wait) so any way i am going to miss art & soul and family and daily contact with friends but i am so exicted to go to England. I will update all about the trip and put up a picture or two on my blog. love ya. melissa


Anonymous said…
you're going to love it. watch out though-foreign travel is addicting!! i'll be over there just 3 weeks after you get back! we'll have just missed eachother! i can't wait to hear all about it!
love, katie

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