david letterman here we come!!

so for months now i have been sending online requests for tickets to see the david letterman show being taped in NY!! and we got a phone call yesterday saying they had tickets available for this coming monday and to call and they would set up the arrangements after we answered a quiz question...so i called david and made him call back because he watches more then i do...and he called and left a message and no one called back..so then i called this morning and left a messgage and they called back..so he answered the question correctly...by the way i could have answered it also..it was asking who the announcer guy is..i cant remember his name but they said his name and david had to say who he was...so we are going to NY on monday and we get to see david letterman being taped...i am so exicted!! then after the taping we might go see the polar express in the city and a big movie theater...cause i want to see it really bad!! yippee!!! something to look forward to for monday!!


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