Posted by Hello


Stephanie said…
Maybe it's just my computer, but when I try to get to your blog by clicking on the link listed on 'The Macomber's Weblog' site, a search result page comes up...and it's a questionable search, well sort of...it leads to some sexual enhancing sites. We'll just leave it at that. Did you know that?? I just thought it was weird...again, maybe it's some weird fluke computer thing, but I don't think so?!
Ok...just wanted to let you know.
That is a really cute squirrel picture! :)
Anonymous said…
looks like the acrobat squirel
Stephanie said…
Just to clarify it's on the link listed under 'Blogs to Read'...the one that says melissamae, not the one that says Melissa's Blog.
Ok. Just needed to clarify. :)
Anonymous said…
OK. I did the same thing Stephanie's comment said....about the "melissamae" site under the blogs to read and it did go to a sex site. Are you being tricky or is it an accident? Try it from your commputer.
and yes, the squirrel is cute. It looks like it's in the air, like an actual action shot. good take.

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