english accents

why do i find english accents so darn cute. especially when little children have them?? well i do and i had a family paint to day from Manchester and the children were so polite and cute and the dad painted a plate with Our Summer Holiday on it! How stinkin' cool is that?? All of the British terms i learned while on our mission trip came rushing back to me...of course now i cant think of any. But needless to say I want to go back to Manchester or any part of England badly...i loved it there!


Very cute the little English kids. Brian's mom is from England and I have never been to there but the pics I have seen of some parts of it are beautiful. Lots of vegetation.

Nice you had the chance to visit England sometime. I bet you spent a great time.

Have a great week Melissa Mae.

God bless,

Gabriela. :)
Stephanie said…
I love little kids with accents, too. They are so stinkin adorable!!
I want to go to England sometime; let's go!
thebensonator said…
you can come visit me when I study abroad in London next year 1st semester ;)

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