this week has gone by so fast

i cant believe it is friday. what have i done this week? well i worked a lot. i went to the beach twice and i enjoyed the summer. yesterday i got my first "lesson" in surfing and the first wave i stood up on i fell (ofcourse) and the board came around and my hand hit the skegg. i have a very sore hand all bruised up. but it was so much fun. i hope to get out again before it gets too cold. i also have enjoyed some good food. My signature hot dog from "hot dog tommy's" is a LW (leaner wiener) with mashed potatoes, sour cream & cheddar cheese. the usually have chili on them too but i dont like the chili. they sell frozen coke's too which a great for a hot summer day.


Stephanie said…
I can't believe it's friday either! This week went by too fast!! Cool that you got your first "lesson", but stinky that you had to get hurt! But at least you had fun!! Man, reading about your signature dog is making me really hungry...I think I'll go eat something now! :)
Great about your first surfing lesson. Sounds like lots of fun.

Have a very nice weekend.

Talking about food... Your hot dog sounds yummy. I'm hungry too. Will go see what I have in the refridgerator, lol.

Bye for now. :)
OutOfTheSilent said…
frozen coke... sounds good...

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