another extension

I am trying hard to stay positive about everything going on with our family, but after being at court yesterday I am sad. It is very hard to be a foster parent and I do not recommend it to the weak in spirit or heart. I have a lot of love to give but the "system" knocks me on my butt every once in awhile and it is hard to stay positive. We have been waiting for the permanency hearing to take place since Feb, it was postponed in Feb to allow for more time for our little man's birth mother to complete services. We had a meeting at the division of youth and family services office last week and they prepared us that the new goal for this case would be termination of parental rights once we went to court and the judge made a ruling. It seemed easy enough, well when we went to court the defense attorney's now states they need more time to get their own reviews because they don't agree with the reviews by the law guardian. We were only dealing with the birth mother up until this court date but now because his birth father now wants to try to get custody we are not sure what is going to happen. So we are praying that the judge will really listen to everything and determine the best interest of our little one is with us, where he has been for the last 17 months 26 days (by the time they go back to court).


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