2 String Beans

So 2 string beans were walking down the street and one got hit by a car.
They rushed him to the hospital and the other sat in the waiting room and the doctor came out after waiting for a long time. The Doctor said,"I have good news and bad news.The good news is your friend is ok.The bad news is he is going to be a vegetable for the rest of his life."

HAHAHAHAHA!! Corny jokes are the best!!


thebensonator said…
hehe that last part you said i could just hear your voice saying it, if that makes any sense?
And corrie, i've heard that joke like a bazilliony times.

Why did the rich duck look cross-eyed?
It couldn't stop looking at its bill

How can you tell if Dracula has a cold?
You can hear his coffin

Why do some people never go bald?
They had a reseeding hairline

What happens when you drop a duck egg?
It quacks!

Where do fish keep thier money?
In river banks

What did the baby corn say the Mama corn?
"Wheres Pop corn?

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