back in the swing of things

well being sick is not fun!! especially since i have forgotten to do a few things since i was sick and my brain wasnt functioning properly...well now i have all of the things i needed to do finished and i feel much better. i still feel a little sick but i feel better about not having unhappy customers and about being able to order my dress for cassy and cory's my to do list is shrinking. which is a good thing!! i had the enjoyment of david's cousin laura bringing emily (2) and eva (4mo) to the store to paint was so fun and the presents are going to be so cute!! i have to get pictures of them when they are done because they are that cute!! we did hand prints and even got little eva to do her hand prints. We also had her little feet painted which she did not like one bit!! she is such a good baby and we made her super mad!! she was throwing the first fit i have seen he have and even her mom was surprised at the tantrum. I had so much fun with them...we even had pizza for lunch and emily had a yoohoo!! oh to be a kid chocolate milk and pizza...sounds nasty to me but she loved it. so now i am working and i have to unload the kiln in a little bit it is at 150 degrees and i am waiting for it to be cooler so i dont have to wear gloves or use pot holders....tell tomorrow. love, melissa


OutOfTheSilent said…
wow... so personal... "love, melissa"... I feel like it was written right to me... I am glad you are almost out of your sickness... me too...

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