halloween is coming

so today when i logged onto the internet there was an article on msn about carving pumpkins...and they had info about fake pumpkins that you can buy that are made of foam...now that is getting lazy...there was one good tip....to cut out the bottom of the pumpkin if you choose to use a real pumpkin and then you can just set the pumpkin on top of the candle...anyway here is the link to the article...

have a happy day.


Anonymous said…
I saw some of those pumpkins...the fake ones. They actually look cool. They sound cool too...think about it, you don't have to touch the gooey yuckiness inside of the pumpkin & you can carve one & have it for years to come! I like that idea, cause sometimes you really carve something really cool...and then it gets all moldy and gross and it gets ruined and you have to throw it away. :( I think Nick & I really have to get some fake pumpkins this year! :)
Love you!
melissamae said…
i might like them too if i saw them...but i dont think they have them here...let me know if they work well.

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