wow...lots of interesting requests

so i guess i opened a can of worms so they say. i will do my best to take the pictures requested..and as other requests come in i will try to fill those. the picture of david in a speedo in the snow is difficult because it hasnt and wont start snowing here for a while..but when it does or if we happen to get a fluke snowstorm in the fall i will try to get that shot. the other obstacle is david doesnt own a if he ever purchases one or receives one as a gift i will be sure to get the picture. but i can get one of him shirtless in the snow in our front yard. for corrie..our kitchen is clean actually we have grown up a lot since our first apartment and everything is clean we even keep up with the laundry...since we have a washer and dryer. i will get a picture of our kitchen it is very and white and small but much much bigger then the hallway of a kitchen we had in our apt in long beach. it even fits a dining table and 6 chairs right in the kitchen and has a real life size fridge..the stove is still small but thats ok because we eat over at david's parents almost everynight. we did have them over for burritos this week that was nice. the motorcycle shot for laura i can do this but i will have to buy a disposable camera because i dont want to chance losing or dropping our next time we go for a motorbike ride i will take that picture. last but not least the modern worship service...i will check to see if anyone has any pictures...but it is only in the summer when the college kids are back from school...sorry about that..but if i can't find any pictures i will try to take one next summer for you, Tim. Life is good. i love david bruce macomber jr.


melissamae said…
all the coca cola stuff is in my parents garage..pretty lame. i know.

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