hay ride... what fun!

so this weekend i closed up art & soul early on saturday and we headed up the road about 15 minutes to Uncle Tom & Aunt Sherri McNulty's house...they were having a fall party and bon fire and a hay ride...it was sooo much fun. We ate and ate and ate...aunt sherri is a wonderful cook and a great hostess...and their home is gorgeous...she had it all decorated for fall and on the back deck they had a bonfire set up and of course i sat very close to it...i love the fire it is so nice and warm. so the hayride is a neat thing that i never heard fo before...they have a tractor and attach a trailer to the back of the tractor and inside the trailer they fill it with hay...so you sit in the trailer and go all around the property...and the property is so nice...we even had to duck at one point because the trees were a little low. it was so fun with all the little kids...davids cousins have little ones...zach, sophie & emily and they are all at very cute stages and ages...sophie looked up at the moon and said, "oh look there is sophies moon.." they all also saw dragons, deer and monsters out in the woods and kept telling us to be careful....it was awesome!! then we went back to the house sat by the fire and had dessert...yum! i had brownies with marshmallow on top, pumpkin pie and pretzel rods dipped in chocolate... it was so much fun. unfortunatley it was too dark to get any pictures...but i promise it was fun.


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