what a week

so i know the week isnt over but so far it has been a whirlwind for me. it began on sunday at 5:40pm when i boarded a plane in atlantic city headed for cincinnati and then for lax and it has not slowed down one bit. i am glad to report that i had time to visit many friends and of course family but unfortunately this was a work trip so i didnt get to see everyone i really wanted to see and i am sorry if i missed you on this trip. i stayed out way too late on night 1 of my week that would be monday and so i was feeling the pain the rest of the week. i am now sitting in my parents office and i just finished a huge project of going through my crap that i left here and deciding what should be done with it. there are still 10 boxes that i need them to hold onto and thus far they are willing...i got rid of 8 boxes and then there are 2 boxes of christmas decorations i have labeled and asked them to send to me. i got to see my dad and just sit and talk and he even was early for dinner tonight, he beat me. then after dinner cassy came to my parents and helped me with my project. i have packed up a large black suitcase, a small purple case, a green guitar and a back pack to take back with me. it was hard to choose what to take and what to ship and what to leave...i mean these things have some value (to me) and are useful for life so i want to have them where i am living...but right now the value of the 10 boxes does not seem enough to pay to send them to nj...so they will sit in the garage waiting for the day they are able to do whatever their intended use is. so now that you have read my ramblings i say i must go to sleep because i have a 6am flight and have to be to the airport at 5am...it is now 1:30am so hopefully i fall asleep fast and i can sleep while in the air tomorrow. love, melissa


OutOfTheSilent said…
sounds to me like bi-costal is not really happening... sounds like you are living in NJ with a "possible" 3 month stay in the CA....

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