what a morning!

so today i got to sleep in, you see Art & Soul is only open Wed-Sat now...so i dont have to be down there at any specific time. i still have my compex work to do which i can do some stuff with out the internet but most of it i have to be logged on to the world wide web...which we don't have at our place yet because of the cost...since we have it at the store and david's parents have it we can save a little cash and drive the 2 min to his parents or the 6 minutes to the store....depending on the lights of course. anyway...i got up and had a message from my bank that my account had a large check going through and it was going to be over what i had in the bank....oh the joys of small town banking...i can tell u right now washington mutual would not have called me back if i messed up o n my math...so i ran down to the bank and put the money in that would have been over...and called my landlord because that is who the big check was for to let them know it would go through ok....so i learned a good lesson....triple check your math and always write down what is going in and out of your bank acct. i have no excuses but i am so greatful to my bank and the amazing manager who made a personal call to me to make sure i knew what was going on...thank goodness!! so everything is all good and my house is cute because yesterday evening i worked in the garden..i have never pulled weeds before and i dont know if i ever want to pull them again (except there are still a lot in the back and side yards) so this is the first time we have spent time or money on our yard and it looks so nice. i will have to put up before and after pictures...or have david put them up on our hompage site. we pulled all the weeds and planted mums and then david put mulch around everything...i am very proud of our hard work and i love the way it looks. ok gotta get some work done...love, melissa


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