11 days

so my husband - david and i came to california mostly to visit my family and for our friends cassy & cory's wedding. unfortunately david had to go back to new jersey with out me...we had originally planned to both stay until march 31st, but he was beginning to get overwhelmed with business (which is a good thing) so before we booked our flights he made some calls and was able to push back all of his work 2 weeks, so that meant he got to stay in california for two weeks. since we were visiting my family and i am working at compex i decided to stay the entire time we had already told them we were going to be here. so i am in california and he is in new jersey and it sucks!! remind me if i ever say it will be ok...that it wont..that it isnt very much fun. so like teenagers we talk on the phone every second possible and long into the morning for david and the night for me. on top of all that he is sick..so he stays up super late to be able to talk to me and he is just getting sicker..(is that a word)?? i have no idea. so i will see him in 11 days and until then i think i might have to hook up with our friend tim and do a little video chatting thanks to mac.


Anonymous said…
Hope Dave is getting better, maybe he should stay with his mom and dad at their house until you get back. the wedding pictures were great, of course all of the pictures are great, I'm a big fan
Anonymous said…
video chatting is good... maybe you can ask tim to talk in a private room....
Claudine said…
ah, love. here's to looking forward to seeing him soon.

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