happy birthday to me!

so today as of 3 minutes ago I am 25! in england after they sing Happy Birthday they cheer - "HIP! HIP! HOORAY!" so today is my hip hip hooray birthday, i was also told that it is my golden birthday because i am turning 25 on the 25th. i have already gotten my presents from my mom and step dad, Tony. A Casio Exilim 4 mega pixel digital camera..i took some pictures today but the battery is dead so i will have to add them to my blog tomorrow...and hopefully i will have much more interesting pictures tomorrow, because tonight i took pictures of my brother in the car i took a shot of the side of his face with his hood up and i think if someone didnt know better they might think it was me. i said this in the car and my step dad asked if you can see my brothers nose and i said 1/2 of it and he asked what 1/2. it was the left 1/2 - he immediatly said he would know it was my brother because my nose is pierced on the left side. then he proceeded to tell my mom - and you think im not observant! i thought that was pretty cool that he could tell and my mom didnt even think of it she just looked at the picture and said yep you guys look a lot alike. HAHAHAHA! so back to my birthday, tomorrow or i guess i mean today i have some fun plans. i am having breakfast with my mom, sister and brother and then we are going shopping so i can pick out the present from my sister. then in the afternoon i am going to lunch with my dad and then i planned my own birthday party, because my husband is in new jersey and i am here and i have lots of people i would like to see so i sent an email or text message to everyone i know inviting them (if you didnt get an invite...PLEASE dont be sad...it just means i had no way of contacting you..JOIN US at 6pm - call my cell or post a comment if you need direction) we are going to have teriyaki chicken and beef and chinese chicken salad...i hope, i forgot to order it today but i am going to call first thing tomorrow. and we are going to watch Napoleon Dynamite...i am excited. so now my eyes are heavy and my back hurts from typing while laying down on the couch. (i am thankful for wireless internet and my lap top) so good night see you in the morning or evening. Hip! Hip! Hooray!


Stephanie said…
Happy birthday, Melissa! See you later tonight! It's been so awesome getting to see you!!
David Tellez said…

You are so adorably sweet, for checking out my blog on the day of your birth! (but yeah, what an interesting day, huh? its actually more of a interesting life...read past posts, and you'll get what I mean! LOL)

Well, it sounds like y'all have a great day planned, and if I was closer to NJ, I would so totally go and hang out with you and all your friends and family! I mean, unless y'all wanna send an airline ticket my way...

But if not, then just have a great birthday and...oh! And eat tater tots when watching Napolean! LOL...
Claudine said…
Happy birthday! Ouuuooooooooow! Here they are (I'm sending you birhday vibes of the "fabulous" variety)

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