coffee bean & tea leaf

i am addicted! i love the tea latte's from coffee bean and tea leaf. i dont think any other company has the recipe down for a tea latte like coffee bean. yum! i am going to miss these tasty treats when i return to cape may...maybe i can get avalon coffee and tea to make them! here's hoping!


thebensonator said…
tell them you will buy them once a day and you will paint them a pretty mug... I don't know why
I guess you miss that Californian coffee when you are back in NJ, as much as I miss my tacos from this Taqueria called Copacabana in Mexico City, lol.

I could try them again in Dec'05. I took my "guero" (blonde). That is how I call Brian, lol, and he loved those tacos he tried there, yum!! :)

Thanks for your nice comments in my blog and have a great weekend. :)
Stephanie said…
I love Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf! They are definitely the best! Way better than Starbucks. :)

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